Bit late for this, but I’m here to offer my snippet for the weekend. Sticking to Misdemeanor for this one as it is now up on the Pride Publishing website under Coming Soon – which is very exciting!
Keeping to six sentences is hard. but here’s a little snippet from Dan and Micky.
Dan’s eyes glazed over as he rested his head back on the sofa and smiled over at Micky.
“You are an enigma,” Dan said. He pointed a finger out from around his wineglass, then shook his head and chuckled, taking yet another sip.
“Not really,” Micky replied. “I’m an onion.”
“What?” Dan asked, narrowing his eyes in confusion.
“Not seen Shrek? Lots of layers,” Micky explained. “And if you start to peel mine off, you’ll probably end up in tears.”
Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation.
Misdemeanor, book one in the Responsible Adult serial out for Pre-Release by Pride Publishing 23 May 2017