Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. Here in London we’ve actually had a little bit of sun!
Here’s my snippet for the week. This is from the third book in my Responsible Adult serial which is now up on Pride Publishing website as Coming Soon!
Reformed takes place in Wales, with Micky and Dan now trying to make a life together with Micky’s little brother, Flynn.
Of course, driving off into the sunset doesn’t always mean that the intended destination will be filled with sunshine and roses. Especially when one half of the couple has to go to the job centre…
“I see here that your partner is no longer on the training allowance and is now a fully qualified teacher?”
Micky nodded.
“That’ll affect your benefits.” She scrolled through her screen. “Lucky you, that’ll mean you can come off income support.”
The woman actually smiled. Gleefully.
“Sorry?” Micky leaned forward, narrowing his eyes as he tried to catch a glimpse of whatever was on that screen.
“You’re now a kept man, Mr. O’Neill.” She leaned back in her chair and clasped her hands over her stomach. “Your partner earns over the threshold. So you no longer have to come in here.”
“But that’s Dan, not me,” Micky snapped, probably a bit too forcefully.
“And he’s your partner?” She wiggled the mouse once more to read the details of Micky’s life and relationship status on her screen for all of the civil servants to peruse at their whim. He hadn’t even updated his relationship status onto Facebook.
Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation. You can read all the other great snippets from awesome authors here.