#Rainbowsnippets 1/2 July. Misdemeanor in the park.

Celebrating the general release of Misdemeanor (Responsible Adult #1) this coming Tuesday 4th July, my snippet comes from Micky and Dan.

For a little background info, Micky is caring for his disabled eight-year-old brother, Flynn, after the tragic death of their mother. Flynn has a rare genetic condition called Williams Syndrome. Here is the first time Micky opens up about it.


Micky’s eyes glazed over as he swished the glass in his hand. “He’s an eternal child. Sees the world like it should be in a fairy tale, minus the evil characters. Everything is bright and beautiful and everyone is his friend.” Micky paused. “It’s a real shame that life isn’t like that. Because a world full of Flynns would be the one I wanna live in.”

Dan paused for a moment, trying to take it all in. What Micky said. Flynn. The condition. The ideal. And how Micky described it all.

“I’m sorry you’re dealing with all that by yourself,” Dan finally said. “I had no idea.”

He’d just been lusting after his body all week. Now Dan knew the bloke had a soft, loving and caring side, what the hell was that going to do to him now?


Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation.

#Rainbowsnippets 1/2 July. Misdemeanor in the park.

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